The Board of Directors meets as a group three times per year. Any additional meetings, if needed, may be held via conference call or by other means.
This type of schedule limits travel time, yet allows the Board to meet frequently enough to provide appropriate guidance for the organization.
To apply, simply submit a document with the following information by the closing date indicated in the "Valid Through" field:
1. Name
2. Years of Experience in SkillsUSA as a Professional Member/Advisor
3. Brief Statement Describing Interest/Qualifications/Background
The provided information will be included in a ballot for voting.
Ballots along with the candidate information will be sent to all advisors in the applicable region to vote for their representatives.
The primary duty of the Board of Directors is to provide governance for the Association, which includes oversight of all policies and budgets. In addition, the Board is responsible for other pertinent decision-making that impacts the SkillsUSA Nevada in significant ways.
All board members must be professional members in good standing with the Nevada Association of SkillsUSA for a minimum of two full program years preceding nomination to the Board. Members must reside in the region in which they plan to represent.
If you are unsure of which region you reside, see our Region Map.
The Association covers travel, lodging and per diem expenses to board meetings as required.
If you have questions, concerns or need more information, please email CAREERS@NVSKILLSUSA.ORG.