You have an online test and will need to have all the names submitted by 6PM PT, December 20, 2024.
Each school may sign up as many students as they want to take the online test, but you will be charged $5.00 for each student you sign up.
The testing window is January 6-13, 2025.
Once the test closes, you will be notified who has qualified to move on to the hands-on portion of the contest.
Only the students that move on must pay an additional fee of $30.00.
Remember, the written test score will be used as part of the overall score for each contestant. There will be 10 stations and a total of 20 contestants competing in the hands-on portion of the contest.
Complete the attached Excel Spreadsheet and email to REGISTRATION@NVSKILLSUSA.ORG before 6PM on December 20, 2024.
- Automotive Test Registration Sheet Download